Tree Fredericksburg holds tree giveaway

June 16, 2020 | Community News | Events

Tree FredericksburgTree Fredericksburg, in partnership with Bartlett Tree Experts and Friends of the Rappahannock, gave away 1,000 free trees on June 6.

The trees were 1- and 2-gallon sizes and were a mixture of Dogwood, Redbud, River Birch, Maple, Oak, Serviceberry and Sweetbay Magnolia. The trees were available to anyone living in the Fredericksburg region, with a limit of three trees per household. The event was held at James Monroe High School with extensive social distancing in place. All tree recipients agreed to plant and care for their trees as per Tree Fredericksburg standards.

Tree Fredericksburg and Friends of the Rappahannock will give away 3,000 trees this fall. To make sure you hear about the fall give-away event, go to and sign up to be on the volunteer list.

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